​Last month, the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) shared their updated view on Multi-Cancer Detection (MCD) tests. They highlighted the potential and the immediate need for a multi-cancer detection solution in the UK. They are working to outline a roadmap for finding this solution.

At RMDM, we are at the forefront of providing cutting-edge MCD technology. Our early detection test, PanTum Detect, is already commercially available as part of screening programs in Germany, UAE, India, Thailand, Belarus, and with plans for roll-out in the UK and China.

To date, PanTum Detect has been tested using more than 160,000 samples and found to be effective across over 50 cancer tumour types, which together represent the majority of all cancer cases.


The Benefit of Multi-Cancer Detection Tests

While current screening programs for breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancers have made significant strides, they cover only a fraction of the cancers that cause nearly 40% of all cancer deaths in the UK each year.

This leaves a substantial gap in early detection for other types of cancer. MCD tests, which can detect multiple cancers from a simple blood sample, can bridge this gap by identifying cancers at an earlier, more treatable stage.


Integrating New Technologies

Evaluating MCD tests presents unique challenges due to their novelty and the wide range of cancers they screen for simultaneously. The UK NSC’s initiative to review and refine evaluation methods is a critical step toward making MCD tests available on a national scale.

The UK NSC has organised task groups of researchers, clinical and public health experts, and patient and public members. These groups will help formulate the roadmap towards integrating new MCD tests. Some of the questions they are considering:

“Who should be screened, and at what point? If screened, what is the diagnostic pathway for each cancer? What strategies might be cost-effective? What infrastructure would need to be developed to roll out a screening programme?”

RMDM is actively working with research and medical institutions to showcase how our technology can help answer these questions.

Here’s how our PanTum Detect test meets the necessary benchmarks for a nation-wide screening program:

  1. Non Invasive: a simple blood test done in a lab or clinic
  2. Accurate: 99.53% specific and 95.21% sensitive
  3. Universal: can detect the presence of any kind of tumour via the novel use of 2 unique biomarkers
  4. Affordable: the simple technology allows you to do a yearly screening check
  5. Possibility of localization and classification of detected tumours
  6. Exposure to radiation only when necessary


A Roadmap for Early Detection

 The UK NSC’s development of a road map for integrating a MCD test is a forward-thinking approach that addresses diagnostic pathways, cost-effectiveness, and infrastructure.

At RMDM, we are prepared to support this effort by providing data, insights, and expertise to create a feasible and effective screening program.

Our vision is to see MCD tests integrated into national screening programs in a way that maximizes benefits and minimizes risks for the population.


For more information about PanTum Detect and our research, please visit our website or contact us. Let’s work together to make early cancer detection a reality for all.


