Cancer in the news

Cancer in the news

Cancelled clinical trial forces fundraising, new AI system used to monitor Mesothelioma tumors and positive early result from clinical immunotherapy trials for brain cancer. Crowdfunding for cancer treatment after cancelled clinical trials Delays in cancer treatment...
World Health Day 2021

World Health Day 2021

April 7th of each year marks World Health Day, and it’s safe to say that globally we have faced the greatest healthcare challenge this last year than any other in recent history. For most of us, the Covid-19 pandemic is like nothing we have ever experienced before,...
The Science Behind the PanTum Detect Cancer Test

The Science Behind the PanTum Detect Cancer Test

The Science Behind the PanTum Detect Cancer Test: Frequently Asked Questions A simple blood test for the early detection of all types of cancer may seem too good to be true, so unsurprisingly, we receive many questions asking us about the way in which our test, PanTum...
Cancer: The Hidden Cost of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Cancer: The Hidden Cost of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Cancer Research UK have joined 46 other cancer charities to create One Cancer Voice. Their aim is to speak out about the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on cancer services, and to urge the UK Government and the NHS to take action to tackle the immense...