
Artificial Sweeteners Proven to Increase Cancer Risk

Artificial Sweeteners Proven to Increase Cancer Risk

In our attempt to consume less sugar and eat healthier, we’ve relied on the supposed success of manufactured sweeteners. Over the years, various health risk claims have been associated with artificial sweeteners. But these claims haven’t been scientifically proven...

A Solution for Prostate Cancer Screening

A Solution for Prostate Cancer Screening

How can we successfully and accurately detect prostate cancer? More than 10,000 men die from prostate cancer every year in the UK. It’s one of the most common cancers in men, yet we still don’t have a national screening program. The best test for prostate cancer...

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day – a celebration of equality and creating a better future. International Women’s Day was first celebrated in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. March 8th became the designated day of celebration in 1917 during a...

The Ongoing Cancer Backlog: New Plan to Cut Waiting Times

The Ongoing Cancer Backlog: New Plan to Cut Waiting Times

How will the NHS tackle the cancer backlog? New analysis from the House of Commons Library reveals half a million people with suspected cancer will be waiting longer than the usual two-week period to see an oncologist this year. The analysis predicts over 75,000...

World Cancer Day 2022

World Cancer Day 2022

Half of the world’s population do not have access to essential healthcare. Despite the incredible achievements in cancer diagnosis and treatment, many people struggle to receive basic cancer care. This year’s theme for World Cancer Day is ‘Close the Care Gap’. It’s...

Revolutionary new therapy to fight Covid-19

Revolutionary new therapy to fight Covid-19

Exciting research for a new treatment to fight Covid-19 has been proven successful. If you contract the SARS-CoV-2 virus, this new treatment could stop the virus from growing. Prof. Cinatl, the discoverer of the first SARS-CoV virus, and his team found that the...

Missing Cancer Diagnosis Rates Soar in Recent Months

Missing Cancer Diagnosis Rates Soar in Recent Months

Macmillian Cancer Support reports a “mountain of almost 50,000 people” are still missing a cancer diagnosis in the UK. As the NHS struggles to cope with overwhelming demand, Macmillian warns that the Government must take urgent action. New analysis shows that the NHS...

Cancer Cells Wield ‘Nanotubes’ to Destroy the Immune System

Cancer Cells Wield ‘Nanotubes’ to Destroy the Immune System

Scientists discover microscopic nanotubes which allow cancer cells to attack the body’s immune system. Cancer grows stronger by evading the immune system. A new study sheds light on how cancer cells can debilitate the immune system and metastasise. New research...