PanTum Detect Early Diagnosis

Sep 4, 2020 | News

RMDM’s PanTum Detect Blood Test Offers Accurate Cancer Detection at the Critical Stage when Cancer is Most Treatable

With cancer screening and diagnostic services across the world put on hold as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, early and accurate cancer diagnosis is now more important than ever. Cancer Research UK estimates that over 2,300 cancer cases are going undiagnosed every week in the UK alone.

Healthcare systems across the world need a new approach to cancer diagnosis which prioritises early cancer detection at the critical stage when cancer is most treatable. Our PanTum Detect blood test offers non-invasive, reliable, and cost-effective cancer diagnostic solution, and could be an invaluable cancer screening tool to help improve cancer diagnosis, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Studies have shown that PanTum Detect can identify tumours with a sensitivity of 97.5%, and can rule out healthy individuals with a 99.05% specificity. These results give healthcare professionals the confidence that PanTum Detect will deliver highly accurate results.

PanTum Detect, which has now been commercially available for over two years, uses cutting-edge EDIM (Epitope Detection in Macrophages) technology, developed by world-leading cancer expert Dr. Johannes Coy and his team. EDIM uses the natural mechanism of the immune system to detect our two universal biomarkers, Apo10 and TKTL1. Apo10 presents with the earliest signs of tumour development, whilst TKTL1 manifests at the early signs of tumour cell metastasis.

PanTum Detect can detect a potential tumour at any stage of its development, meaning that our patients’ healthcare teams can intervene at the critical point where treatment is most likely to be successful. We envision PanTum Detect being used as part of regular cancer screening programmes, allowing people to take control of their health and manage their risk of developing cancer.

To find out more information about testing, contact us via email at or call us on +44 (0)207 052 8353

how can PanTum detect revolutionise cancer screening?