Historically, early detection has focused on routine screenings for only a handful of cancers, such as breast, colorectal, cervical, lung, and prostate cancers.

However, these screenings are not always effective. Many cancers are still detected at later stages when treatment is less effective. This challenge has motivated scientists to develop new technologies aimed at improving early detection rates.

A recent review, conducted by the Annual Review of Medicine evaluates existing single- and multi-cancer early detection tests (MCEDs), showcasing their performance characteristics.

Researchers concluded that for the mass adoption of early detection screening, a test must perform accurately to impact overall mortality rates.


What is the current landscape of early cancer detection?

Recent advances in next-generation sequencing  and discoveries of new genes, like the TKTL1 gene, have influenced the development of a variety of biomarkers. These biomarkers, found in DNA, RNA sequences, and proteins, are crucial for identifying cancer at its earliest stages.

The new generation of tests includes both single-cancer early detection tests and multi-cancer early detection (MCED) tests. These tests are designed to be highly sensitive and specific, minimizing the chances of false positives and false negatives. They also offer a broader range of detection, identifying cancers that currently lack screening methods.

Furthermore, tests use non- or minimally invasive biosamples like blood, urine, saliva, or cerebral spinal fluid. These “liquid biopsies” offer greater accessibility, fewer risks, and less stress for patients.


Performance Characteristics of New Tests

The performance of new cancer detection tests is based on several key metrics:

  • Sensitivity: The ability of a test to correctly identify those with cancer.
  • Specificity: The ability of a test to correctly identify those without cancer.
  • Positive Predictive Value (PPV): The probability that individuals with a positive test result actually have cancer.
  • Negative Predictive Value (NPV): The probability that individuals with a negative test result truly do not have cancer.
  • Accuracy: The overall correctness of the test results, combining sensitivity and specificity.

The review compared large-scale, population-based studies currently underway in the United States and the United Kingdom to assess the impact of MCED tests on clinical outcomes. These studies aim to provide robust data on the real-world effectiveness of these tests and their potential to integrate into current screening protocols.

Researchers found that most MCED tests reviewed reported sensitivity that ranged from 70% to 100%. MCEDs also demonstrated high specificity which, along with prevalence, greatly impacts the Positive Predictive Value. This value was much higher than those of current single-cancer tests such as mammography for breast cancer screening.



The Growing Demand for MCED Tests

There is a substantial demand for multi-cancer early detection tests given the potential to significantly improve survival rates and treatment outcome.

This growing need has attracted extensive scientific attention, leading to increased research and development. Researchers are focused on advancing technologies that can detect multiple types of cancer from a single test, aiming to make such diagnostics more accessible, accurate, and comprehensive. As a result, multi-cancer early detection is becoming a pivotal area of innovation in the fight against cancer.



PanTum Detect: A Gamechanger in Early Detection

PanTum Detect is a MCED blood test that can detect tumours and lesions at any stage.

Studies have shown that it can detect tumours anywhere in the body with a sensitivity of 95.21% and can rule out healthy individuals with 99.53% specificity: the first to achieve this high level of accuracy for multiple cancers.

To date, PanTum Detect has been tested using more than 160,000 samples and found to be effective across over 50 cancer tumour types, which together represent the majority of all cancer cases. Already commercially available as part of screening programs in Germany, India, Thailand, Belarus, and with plans for roll-out in China, it represents a significant breakthrough in cancer diagnostics.

Rather than focusing on multiple single-cancer screening tests, a universal test can improve the overall effectiveness of early screening programs.



The Solution

Backed by over two decades of R&D, PanTum Detect serves as a first point of information, identifying which patients require further imaging.

A screening program that combines the strengths of advanced imaging with an innovative blood test like PanTum Detect can confirm cancer suspicions and offer crucial answers for individuals who might otherwise remain undiagnosed.

This integrated approach enhances early detection, ensuring timely and precise care.

RMDM has recently partnered with the Doctors Center Polyclinic, located in the heart of Dubai, UAE.

Our prevention program is now accessible to patients across the MENA region. The Doctors Center Cancer Screening Program is designed to identify a wide range of potentially dangerous tumours and precancerous lesions at the earliest possible stage.

Utilizing our PanTum Detect blood test, and the latest in modern imaging techniques, our program offers accuracy and peace of mind.





Multi-Cancer Early Detection: The New Frontier in Cancer Early Detection | Annual Reviews
